Tuesday, April 06, 2010

.NET Architect

Hello All,

Presently I am doing a search for .NET Architect for one of my client
in Japan.

To start with this is an engagement atleast for 1 year which can be
extended on the basis of performance.

They are expected to pay good USD salaries and expect a person to very strong.

Brief requirement :



1.       Software Design and Dev experience for more than 6 years

2.       Must be expert in Windows software development such as .Net, Ajex, Silverlight, WPS etc.

3.       Must be able to design/architect complex client server applications

4.       Wireless domain knowledge shall be a plus point




Tokyo Japan




This position shall be one year contract in the beginning but can last for more years if both the parties are agreed.

Please send your resumes at singhajay1978@ yahoo.in



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