Monday, July 26, 2010

Few Openings

Hi All,

We have openings in Royal Bank of Scotland, Gurgaon for java/dot net and QA positions for 2+ years of ex. In case interested send your resume to

Warm Regards,
Sameer Sood
RBS, Gurgaon

Good opportunity for those who are looking for a change...!

Please find attached details of Current Requirement @ Ness Technologies.

Mostly for Java and Ms.Net ---   From 2yrs to 12+yrs experience. [from software engineer to Architect position]

Forward your updated resume to with Subject line as
"Eligible Candidate:[Yrs of Experience] * [EDC] * [Position] *[Level] " , this will help in scheduling the interview appropriately.

NOTE: Any mails without the defined subject line will be discarded.

Here goes the JD

1)     Telecom Developers, experts in Data Networks and Experience in HTTP / WAP / RTSP Gateways.

a.     Must Skills – C++ Development, Smart Pointers, STL, Socket Programming, Knowledge of HTTP / WAP / RTSP Protocols, Diameter, Radius.

b.     Preferred Sklls –GSM Network Architecture, Billing Applications, DPI, Provisioning, PCRF

c.     Experience Range – 4 to 6 years

d.     The selected person will be involved in developing the new features based on latest technologies and industry developments into an existing Mobile Internet Gateway Product.        

2)     Telecom Developers, experts in Data Networks and Experience in HTTP / WAP / RTSP Gateways.

a.     Must Skills – Java Development( J2EE), Socket Programming, Knowledge of HTTP / WAP / RTSP Protocols, Struts, EJB, Hibernate, SQL

b.     Preferred Sklls – Oracle, SOAP, Data Protocol development, GSM Network Architecture, Billing Applications, DPI, Provisioning, PCRF

c.     Experience Range – 4 to 6 years

d.     The selected person will be involved in developing the new features based on latest technologies and industry developments into an existing Mobile Internet Gateway Product and Provisioning Servers.        

3)     Telecom Testers, experts in Data Networks and Experience in HTTP / WAP / RTSP Gateways.

a.     Must Skills – Manual & Automated Testing, Knowledge of HTTP / WAP / RTSP Protocols, Perl & Shell Script, SQL, Mercury Tools – Quality Center.

b.     Preferred Sklls – Environment setup – Unix Deployment, Data Protocol Testing, GSM Network Architecture, Billing Applications, DPI, Provisioning, PCRF

c.     Experience Range – 4 to 6 years

d.     The selected person will be involved in testing the new features being added into an existing Mobile Internet Gateway Product and tools around it.       

kindly send your resume to sumitsony@gmail. com or


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  As we are in various mediums, out own permanent address go live from May 25th.  Lets IT job for everyone. Beta testers welcom...